Kel-Tec Sub 2000 For Sale, Glock 23 Grip, .40 S&W, 10rd, Desert Tan
Kel-Tec Sub 2000, Glock 23 Grip, .40 S&W, 10rd, Desert Tan
Self-loading pistol cartridge carbine. The SUB-2000 is compatible with most contemporary pistol magazines in different variations. The working handle allows the bolt to be secured in the rear position. The primary safety feature of the protected push bolt type is the ability to disconnect the trigger bar and lock the hammer and sear. Kel Tec guns for sale
The SUB-2000 may be made smaller by twisting the barrel up and down. This allows it to be stored safely and makes use of the internal deployment lock that is locked with a special key. The luminous front sight can be adjusted for elevation and windage, while the rear sight is an aperture type. Without the need for any tools, SUB-2000 is simple to disassemble for cleaning or inspection. Where to buy Kel Tec